late spring comes, then summer.
the berry bramble hovers,
its bee cover buzzing.
heat and wings drown
the sound of buckets
bumping into legs
as we march across the field.
fingers stretch from the hand
that extends from the arm,
drawing way way up
from tip toes,
teeth biting the lip, eyes
squinting in the hot day shine,
to touch the black berry,
barely dangling heavily
from the vine, there
behind the veil
of buzz and thorn
just out of reach.
that big, plump, perfect one
plucked with great tenderness
and memory.
the first berry of the season,
warm and promising.
it's flower caressed by bees.
they traded need for need,
pollen and nectar
for hive and honey.
for berry, pollination:
a business deal
the way nature saw fit
way back when
bees were just buzzing,
and berries just brambling.
back then.
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